Metriscope is versatile and visual real-time performance monitoring and diagnostic tool. It allows system specific packages to be developed and installed into the Metriscope console. Metriscope utilizes patent pending technology.
The Metriscope console gives users the ability to view real-time or historic data, configure and view alarms, design visual layouts, generate reports and develop custom data collectors. It is also the application host for the system specific packages.
Metriscope provides an intuitive screen layout so that administrators can effortlessly check the health of their system by simply viewing the screen or looking at previously triggered alarms. System performance metrics and information are displayed using different visual components (containers, charts, etc.). These components change color as their health decreases or improves. Metriscope also offers professional advice that is written by people who are experts in the particular system management domain. Metriscope not only saves you time, but also provides you with a wealth of education.